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BioMUD Features

A quick note on the 'ping' that is shown on this client. This is not a 'ping' as you're used to on most online games; it does not show the time from your machine to the game server. Instead, it shows a more real world ping: The time it takes for the server to respond to your last command. So, if it shows 120ms, that means the server took 120ms to respond, and send, the last text it sent you from your command. I hope this clears up any confusion as to why the ping showed higher than expected. This is completely intentional.

At this very moment, very little of the GUI code is active for you to pursue, as stated above. But what GUI is active, I would like tested as well.

As it stands, the client is pre-set to connect to DSL (Dark and Shattered lands (http://www.dsl-mud.org)) on port 4000, but this IS changeable with some simple command line options.

I highly recommend turning on 'debug' mode in the settings dialogue and recommend not setting the 'Nanoeditor” option, as it's not even ¼ done.

Here is a quick overview of the commands that you may use on the command line, and a brief history on what they do. Please be aware that all command line options start with a pound (hash for you new kids) sign '#' – Any aliases written do not need any pre-sign, nor do paths; those two will be talked about in a moment.

Command Description
#trigger Allows you to create a trigger from the command line (Not enabled; do not use.)
#alias {name} {script} Allows you to create an alias from the command line. Currently works, but requires command line usage. See below.
#importansi Same as #import; imports file [file] in to the terminal. This is used for importing saved logs in to the terminal window.
#beep Causes an emulation of the beep code.
#macro Disabled.
#path {name} {path} Allows you to create paths from the command line. Syntax will be explained below.
#url [url] Will open your default web browser and take you to the specified [url]
#class Disabled.
#open [file] Disabled.
#log Disabled (and depreciated)
#dumplog Causes the entire log buffer (for debug, echo, error, etc) to be printed to the terminal screen. Not recommended unless needed; use window→logs
#clearlogs Clears the log buffer. Please do not do this unless needed.
#capture Disabled.
#showcommandhistory Causes all of your previous command history items to be printed to the terminal screen. This uses the 'debug' option, so if it is disabled in the configure screen, you will not see it. Use window→command to view commands instead.
#easter1 and #easter2 Shows two little Easter eggs. Pointless, nonetheless.
#setoption [option] [value] Used for setting various options by hand. Do not mess with these, with the exception of “#setoption host [mud host]” and “#setoption port [mud port]” to change to a different server/port.
#time [cmd] Will allow you to time the execution of [cmd] – this can be another # command, an alias, etc.
#termclear This will clear the entire terminal buffer. It will not clear the screen, though, so expect the screen to 'draw over' itself at first. This will free memory if needed.
#quit Exits BioMUD
#updateterminal Forces an update_term() function which, basically, forces a redraw (refresh) of the screen.
#repeat [amount] [cmd] Allows you to repeat [cmd] by [amount] times. i.e.: #repeat 10 say I hate you.
#import [file] Allows you to import a log file.
#echoon Turns on the local echo of your commands sent to the mud.
#echooff Turns off the local echo of your commands sent to the mud.
#listalias Lists all currently made Aliases for BioMUD. May not show if you have debug off.
#listpath Lists all currently made Paths for BioMUD. May not show if you have debug off.

To create an alias (or a path, for that matter) you simply type:

#alias {name} {alias command}

and this will create it for you. You may, however, use ';' (semi-colon) to separate commands. A real-to-life example:

#alias {spellup} {c armor;c shield;c stone}

Now, when you type 'spellup' and hit enter, it will cast those three spells for you.

Paths work exactly the same way, except their function is only called when preceded by a period. Example:

#path {home} {n;n;s;s;e;e;w;w}

So, if you wanted to execute that path, you would type, “.home” and it would send the directions for you.

You may also link aliases, paths, etc together, by value. Such as this:

#alias {prepare} {spellup;cgos Ready to KILL!}

would cause the alias “spellup” to fire, and also fire off a cgos.

Everything else should be self explanatory. But, of course, questions are welcomed. And any information deemed worthy will be added to the documentation and testers contacted, so all may be up to speed on the client.